The health and safety of our staff, partners and communities are of utmost concern to us during the COVID-19 crisis.  This is new territory for us all, and CWP is closely monitoring the situation and the evaluating the impact that it has for us an organization.  To date, we have taken the following steps:

  • Employees are working remotely until further notice
  • Where trips to the office are necessary (for checking signing, etc.) employees are following social distancing and hygiene recommendations
  • We are continuing to monitor the situation to determine the best path for future conferences

Please know that we are all still available for our clients, partners and others. We ask that you do your part as well. Below are some resources to help:

The National Council of Nonprofits has a good overview of steps that non-profits (and other businesses) can take to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, including resources for switching to a remote work setup:

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center:

Thank you for your understanding in this rapidly evolving situation.


Hye Yeong Kwon
Executive Director