MS4 Program Support

MS4 Program Support

CWP provides support to local governments and MS4 permittees with developing and implementing their stormwater programs.  We have authored several national manuals and developed numerous tools to assist Phase II MS4 communities with meeting the six minimum control measures. Some examples include: Managing Stormwater in Your Community: A Guide for Building an Effective Post-Construction Program which provides practical guidance on building effective stormwater programs; Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: a guidance manual for program development and technical assessments a national guidance manual for NPDES Phase II communities on how to build a local IDDE program, and manuals on Pollution Source Control Practices and Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices as part of the Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual Series.

CWP offers technical assistance with MS4 permit administration including all six minimum control measures, ordinance development, program audits, stormwater retrofit inventories, BMP performance evaluations, stormwater inspections and maintenance, staff training, outfall surveys, public outreach, project implementation, and much more. CWP works with MS4 permittees to track progress on the six minimum control measures and other permit requirements such as impervious area reduction projects, and assists permittees in developing the annual progress report in the formats required by each State.  CWP also assists with writing standard operating procedures for BMP maintenance, street sweeping, and outfall inspections and provides training specific to the jurisdiction on all aspects of MS4 permits.