Watershed and Stormwater Webcast Series
Our Watershed & Stormwater Webcast Series provides training on everything from the basics of stormwater to the latest in current programs and practices around the country. Over 22,000 professionals have participated in CWP’s webcasts, and professional development hours (PDH) certificates are offered for registered attendees.
CWPA members receive a discount on the cost of webcasts. Member can also view past webcasts for free. Join the CWPA today and start saving.
*All webcasts are currently scheduled for Wednesdays at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.*
Webcast 10: Stormwater Technology Innovation – Design Trends and Peformance Verification
Wednesday January 15, 2025 at 1 PM Eastern Time
Greg Williams
The Latest in Trash Capture and Gravity Settling
Both ASTM standard E3332 and the STEPP program are new tools for anyone planning to install trash capture devices. Together they provide verified performance data that can greatly aid the decision-making process. While ASTM E3332 was published in 2022, the first results from an E3332 test will be published at the beginning of 2025. This presentation will discuss the test results, what lessons were learned during testing and how all this information can be used by stormwater managers. A brief description of the STEPP program will be included.
Part two of the presentation will focus on advances in hydrodynamic separators (HDS). There will be a high-level discussion of how HDS work followed by a look at the devices most recently approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). The link between changes in the NJDEP test protocol and the latest in HDS design will be explored.
Douglas Howie
Determining the treatment capabilities of Manufactured Treatment Devices
The Washington State Department of Ecology created the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) program in the late 1990 to evaluate the treatment capabilities of Manufactured Treatment Devices (MTDs) in the field for TSS, dissolved Cu and Zn, and Total Phosphorus. Since that time the protocols have undergone several updates including one in 2024. The latest update includes requirements for monitoring devices in operation for maintenance longevity. This presentation will discuss the history and status of the TAPE program, including a description of the new maintenance analysis, and touch on the proposed national evaluation program known as Stormwater Technology Evaluation for Products and Practices (STEPP).
Webcast 2. Behavior Change at the Local Level: A Case Study
Wednesday February 26, 2025 at 1 PM Eastern Time
Julie Berbiglia, Nashville Metro Water Services
Facilitating behavior change to reduce stormwater pollution can sound daunting. In this webcast, we will take you down the paths we have followed to develop and implement a program at Metro Water Services in Nashville, TN. We will describe our work with local universities, interviews with other utilities, and summarize the information and methods we have found most useful.
Gretchen Judkins, Nashville Metro Water Services
With the help of illicit discharge complaints and staff audits, the Phase I MS4 of Nashville, TN, identified to areas of opportunity for its education program: alcohol manufacturers and municipal maintenance staff. Despite needing similar education about reducing stormwater pollution, the two audiences required unique solutions relating to their sites and regulatory requirements. This presentation will discuss the two methods used by Metro Water Services, the leader in Nashville’s MS4 permit, to educate and ensure permit compliance. It will also examine the benefits and lessons learned for future educational efforts.
Refund Policy
If a registrant is unable to attend a webcast, there are three options:
- Watch the archived recording. All webcasts are recorded, and registered attendees are provided with the link and all relevant materials. No action is required if selecting this option.
- Email webcast@cwp.org to let us know, and select another webcast to attend in place of the one you will miss.
- Request a refund. Refunds are provided as long as the cancellation request occurs more than 48 hours in advance of a webcast. The amount charged for the webcast will be refunded, except for a $30 processing fee.
Select Group Members have complimentary access to all webcasts.
All webcasts are recorded and a link to the recording is provided to registrants. If you have to miss a live webcast, you can purchase and view the recording within 60 days of the original webcast date.
Webcast recordings are not permitted to be downloaded, but can be viewed online.
Please note: You may only access the webcast bundles if your membership is active.